So, after watching one of my most anticipated movies of all time, Sex and the City, I had to check out It took me a bit to get around to checking out the site, but I finally made it! And I must say that I am really impressed not only at what they offer but the prices at which they are offering these designer bags at. Granted it is just for renting them, however they do have an outlet area where you have purchase the bags.
Not only do they offer designer bags, but they offer designer jewelry & sunglasses. Plus, they also offer insurance on the items you rent. Not a bad idea in my book at all! definitely has my vote! I am very impressed!
I am not the type of girl to be flaunting around my designer bag by any means, but sometimes a girl just falls in love with something so fabulous that she has to have a little bite of it. Plus if you have a nice occasion to splurge on something how great would it be for your accessories to make you feel like a million bucks!
Check out the website!